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ASTM E2259-03a - Standard Guide for Archiving and Retrieving ITS-Generated Data

This Fact Sheet was written on January 20, 2006. The status of the standard at the time was: Published in November 2003.

This Fact Sheet was last verified on October 07, 2009


Intelligent transportation systems are being deployed across the country to manage traffic, transit, traveler information, emergency, commercial vehicle administration, and fleet/freight management systems. Each of these systems collect a variety of data to support their primary operational missions. These data collections can also be used to support secondary longer-term activities such as planning for future operations, resource scheduling, capital improvement planning, off-line analysis and research, satisfying reporting requirements, and many uses perhaps not yet envisioned. The Archived Data Management Subsystem (ADMS) is one of the subsystems of the National ITS Architecture that incorporates the requirements of the Archived Data User Service (ADUS). In the National ITS Architecture, an ADMS collects, archives, manages, and distributes data generated from ITS sources for use in transportation administration, policy evaluation, safety, planning, performance monitoring, program assessment, operations, and research applications. For this standard guide and other archive related standards documents, ADMS stands for Archived Data Management System and is meant to represent a specific implementation of an archive within a state or local region's ITS. This standard guide, ASTM E2259-03 - Standard Guide for Archiving and Retrieving ITS-Generated Data, captures best industry practices and recommended approaches for developing and operating an ADMS for ITS. This standard guide discusses the technical as well as institutional issues surrounding an ADMS deployment. It recognizes the need for scalable, incremental development of ITS archives that support an organization's evolving data requirements with a fiscal constraint to perhaps start small and grow over time.

What are these standards for?

This standard guide, ASTM E2259-03 - Standard Guide for Archiving and Retrieving ITS-Generated Data, provides the guiding principles, rationale, and planning considerations for stakeholders as they consider deploying an archive data management system to capture, house, and support the retrieval of data from their ITS equipment. Data sharing and interoperability among systems can be enhanced by considering and following the principles laid out in this standard guide.

Who uses them?

This standard guide, ASTM E2259-03 - Standard Guide for Archiving and Retrieving ITS-Generated Data, should be used by prospective data users, policy makers, ADMS developers, and database administrators. All stakeholders can benefit from an increased awareness of the terminology and approaches provided in this standard guide. Prospective database developers and administrators could particularly find this useful as they design and develop software and data management procedures in a more consistent fashion.

How are they used?

This standard guide, ASTM E2259-03 - Standard Guide for Archiving and Retrieving ITS-Generated Data, should be reviewed by transportation planners that are considering an ADMS for their region to understand the purpose of an ADMS and some practical guidance on how to go about deploying it. They will find benefits for instituting an ADMS, issues and challenges they may face when they deploy it, and tips on what to consider during each phase of the process. Developers and Administrators should use this standard guide to understand the guiding principles so they can employ the best practices possible and take advantage of the body of work already considered.


This standard guide, ASTM E2259-03 - Standard Guide for Archiving and Retrieving ITS-Generated Data, covers the guiding principles for the design, implementation, and operation of an ADMS. The guiding principles cover the acquisition of data, how the ADMS is to be managed, and how data should be retrieved and made available for use. Considerations are also provided for managing data quality including configuration control, source data quality, security, and maintenance of metadata (data about the data). Other standards will be developed over time to specify the metadata for ITS-generated data and the specifications for how particular sources of data, such as traffic monitoring data are to be sent to an ADMS.

Related documents

The following ITS standards are related and should be considered when using this standard:

The following set of standards and documents, while not part of the ITS standards, should also be considered when using this standard:

How to obtain Standards
ASTM International