ARC-IT Version 8.3
ARC-IT Version 8.3 is a major release of the US National ITS Architecture Reference that fully defines and upgrades the four architecture views that were initially defined in ARC-IT 8.0. The most significant enhancements for version 8.3 are:
- Defined a new physical object type, the ITS Object, that nominally resides at the top of the p-object hierarchy (above center, field, etc.), and contains functionality common to most or all ITS physical objects.
- Consolidated and revised support service packages that leverage the ITS Object to simplify the service. Notably, connected vehicle services require many support services in order to function, and most participants leverage support services in similar fashion. Interface between connected vehicle devices and support objects such as credentials management systems, location and time sources and other fundamental support objects are generally similar or identical.
- New Service Packages:
- SU09: Device Certification and Enrollment, that illustrates the certification of devices, typically for connected vehicle services.
- PM05: Parking Reservations, which manages parking reservations requested by a traveler.
- New Physical Objects, including:
- Personnel Device, representing the hand-held or body-worn device used by emergency personnel or maintenance personnel in the transportation environment. Replaces the Personal Information Device in service packages related to emergency response and maintenance and construction activities.
- Identifier Registry, which maintains identifiers necessary to ensure consistency and interoperability throughout the ITS environment. Appears in SU02 and SU08.
- Certification System, which verifies that devices and applications meet standards necessary to participate in the environment. Appears in SU09.
- References to physical standards, including environmental, physical security and physical build standards relevant to ITS devices.
- Revisions to communications views to reflect recent developments in communications and ITS standards and cybersecurity-related lessons learned from deployments.
- Creation of ‘VIEW-IT,’ a single download that contains the majority of the ARC-IT web site that may be installed locally for off-line use.
The architecture toolset has been upgraded to work with version 8.3 of ARC-IT, to include additional standalone features and most importantly to allow users to exchange information between the tools.

Regional Architecture Development for Intelligent Transportation (RAD-IT) supports development of regional and project ITS architectures using ARC-IT as a starting point. RAD-IT 8.3 adds:
- Physical standards on the Standards tab
- Requirements auto-selection on the Functions tab
- The ability to specify roles for stakeholders and output that information
- Auto-select button on the User Needs tab
- Update to Marinara, particularly in the V2I Safety Initiative project
- Various bug fixes

The Systems Engineering Tool for Intelligent Transportation (SET-IT) integrates drawing and database tools with ARC-IT so that users can develop detailed ITS project architectures. SET-IT 8.3 adds:
- New grids to support the assignment of physical standards
- New options and improved outcomes for level 0/1 physical diagram generation: Physical Objects are sized according to the number of Functional Objects they contain and placed more tightly and logically. Many options provided for additional flexibility. Diagrams should require significantly less customization.
- Support for the ANSI-formatted Concept of Operations (ConOps)
- The ability to change status of all objects in a service package instance
- Update to the sample project, leveraging changes in ARC-IT's vision of ITS Objects
- Various bug fixes and tweaks to installation to support additional configurations