Application Areas
Data Collection/Monitoring
This center-to-field application area covers the interface between a center and a specific type of roadway equipment that monitors and collects traffic and environmental data-the data collection and monitoring (DCM) equipment. The DCM equipment processes sensor signals to generate information about the environmental conditions and traffic passing sensor(s) that is collected and stored for later analysis. The DCM equipment may be a portable device that is deployed for short-term data collection or a permanently installed device for continuous monitoring of a site. There are three main types of data that can be stored by DCM equipment: time stamped sensor events (e.g., detector loop turned on/off), time-stamped individual vehicle data (e.g., speed, length, number of axles, vehicle weight), and aggregate data summaries (e.g., traffic volume for a particular time interval). The stored data is periodically retrieved and archived by the controlling center. Vehicle probe data is also collected and sent to a traffic management center for further review. The data collected by the DCM device serves many different purposes including traffic volume forecasts, highway geometry design, highway pavement design, bridge design, speed studies, weight enforcement planning, and the effects of environmental conditions.
National ITS Architecture Interface
This application area includes the interface between the Archived Data Management Subsystem (ADMS) and the Data Collection/Monitoring DCM) equipment in the Roadway Subsystem (RS). The ADMS collects traffic data from the DCM device in the RS, along with information about the status of the DCM equipment. The ADMS controls the DCM equipment using control commands that are sent from the ADMS to the RS. Vehicle probe data collected by the DCM equipment in the RS is also sent to the Traffic Management Subsystem (TMS) for further analysis.Applicable Standards
In general, the following standards are applicable to Data Collection/Monitoring deployments. To determine which specific standards are applicable for a deployment you will need to determine which architecture flows will be needed for the Data Collection/Monitoring piece of your deployment. Contact your local FHWA ITS Division Specialist or an ITS Standards Program Field Support Team contact
Deployment Resources
Deployment resources can be found in the deployment resources
- ADUS (Archived Data User Service) Standards Advisory