Application Areas
Transit Management
This center-to-center application area covers the interface between a transit management center and other centers and supports the following capabilities:- Providing multimodal coordination between transit agencies and other types of public transportation (i.e. ferries, rail, airlines) at transfer points, including coordinating information between local/regional transit organizations including schedules, fare, on-time information, and ridership.
- Providing transit incident information, schedules, and fare and pricing information to a traveler information provider.
- Providing transit information suitable for media use.
- Providing emergency transit schedule information to traffic and emergency operations centers, especially during evacuations.
- Providing transit system information to traffic management centers.
- Supporting personalized transit routes requested by travelers via traveler information providers.
- Coordinating with financial institutions on the approval and status of electronic fare payments.
- Coordinating with law enforcement regarding the notification of violations.

National ITS Architecture Interface
This application area focuses on the center-to-center interfaces with the Transit Management Subsystem (TRMS). The TRMS accepts requests for personalized transit routing, as well as general transit system information requests from the Information Service Provider. The TRMS interfaces to financial institutions to support electronic fare payment. It also coordinates with Other Transit Management systems, as well as Multimodal Transportation Service Providers (i.e., providers of other modes of transportation such as ferry or rail), for the exchange of information to allow schedule and routing coordination between systems. The TRMS disseminates transit incident information, schedules, and fare and price information to Information Service Providers and the Traffic Management Subsystems. The TRMS also distributes transit status and incident reports (appropriately tailored for external distribution) to the Media. During emergency situations, the TRMS provides emergency transit schedule information to the EM and TMS. Finally, the TRMS coordinates the Enforcement Agencies regarding the notification of violations. Note that managing and tracking of transit vehicles is not covered in this set of interfaces but is included in the center-to-vehicle application areas. In addition, the management of transit incidents is covered in the incident management application area.Applicable Standards
In general, the following standards are applicable to Transit Management deployments. To determine which specific standards are applicable for a deployment you will need to determine which architecture flows will be needed for the Transit Management piece of your deployment. Contact your local FHWA ITS Division Specialist or an ITS Standards Program Field Support Team contact
Deployment Resources
Deployment resources can be found in the deployment resources
- NTCIP Case study reports (1999-2004)
- NTCIP 9010 — XML in ITS Center-to-Center Communications