Application Areas
Traveler Information
This center-to-center application area covers the interfaces between a traveler information provider (called an information service provider or ISP) and other centers that provide transportation data to the ISP or support traveler services. ISPs typically collect transportation data from a variety of sources, integrate the data, and disseminate the data through many types of distribution channels (i.e., Internet, personal data assistants, kiosks, radio, and television). The application area supports a number of capabilities including:- Collecting traveler information to provide to subscribers, including air quality data, toll data, event schedules, yellow pages information (e.g., restaurants, lodging, service stations), alternate modes information (e.g., airline, rail, ferry), parking information, and care facility information for emergency situations.
- Integrating traveler data into traveler information, including coordination with other traveler information systems. The traveler information created could support broadcast capability, the creation of personalized travel data, or the creation of route-guidance data.
- Disseminating traveler information to the media.
- Coordinating with providers of yellow pages services for reservations. (e.g., hotels and restaurants).
- Providing route guidance and real-time traffic information to organizations (e.g., fleets of commercial vehicles).
- Providing notification to traffic management centers of anticipated routes for guided vehicles, oversized vehicles or groups of vehicles (e.g., motorcade) that may require changes in the traffic control strategy.
- Supporting requests for traveler information from voice-based traveler information providers, such as 511.
- Coordinating monetary transactions with financial institutions particularly for subscription-based information services.

National ITS Architecture Interface
This application area includes the center-to-center interfaces between the Information Service Provider (ISP) subsystem and other centers. In this center-to-center application area, the ISP gathers toll information from the Toll Administration Subsystem (TAS), information regarding other transportation modes (e.g., airline, rail, ferry) from the Multimodal Transportation Service Provider, external reports from the Media, event information from the Event Promoter, traveler services information from the Yellow Pages Service Provider, and air quality information from the Emissions Management Subsystem (EMMS). The ISP may also gather additional traveler information from Other ISPs. The following additional interfaces are also covered by this application area: providing traveler information to Other ISPs and the Media, coordinating with financial institutions for those services requiring subscription or payment, coordinating with Yellow Pages Service Providers for reservation services, providing routing services for fleets of vehicles or special vehicles (e.g., HAZMATs), providing vehicle routes to the Traffic Management Subsystem, and providing traveler information to voice-based Telecommunications System for Traveler Information (TSTI), such as 511.Applicable Standards
In general, the following standards are applicable to Traveler Information deployments. To determine which specific standards are applicable for a deployment you will need to determine which architecture flows will be needed for the Traveler Information piece of your deployment. Contact your local FHWA ITS Division Specialist or an ITS Standards Program Field Support Team contact
Deployment Resources
Deployment resources can be found in the deployment resources
- NTCIP Case study reports (1999-2004)
- NTCIP 9010 — XML in ITS Center-to-Center Communications